What is a 5 point throw - Five Points Wrestling

Takedowns in wrestling are awarded 1,2,4 or 5 points depending on the how the throw is performed and the landing position of the opponent. A five point technique is a grand amplitude throw where the opponent lands in a position of immediate danger. Earning the most points for a single throw these throws are the most rewarding in competition.

United world wrestling defines a 5 point throw as:

  • All grand amplitude throws executed in a standing position which bring the defending wrestler to a direct and immediate danger position.
  • The hold executed by a wrestler in the “parterre” position who completely lifts his opponent off the ground with the execution of a high amplitude throw which projects the opponent into a direct and immediate danger position 

Breaking this down grand amplitude can be achieved from a neutral standing position or on the ground where the opponent is in the “parterre” position.

Achieving 5 points from a standing throw requires the opponent to be lifted from the ground loosing all contact with the matt, with control the opponent should be thrown in a sweeping curve landing in direct and immediate danger. The landing of the throw is important here – landing the opponent so the line of their back is less than 90 degrees from the canvas making them in danger of a pin will gain the fifth point. Landing the opponent without danger of the pin could be considered a 4 point throw.

From the ground a 5 points throw can be achieved by completing a lift from the ground where the opponent is thrown in a sweeping curve and once again landing in a danger position.

5 point throws can be difficult to achieve but are highly rewarding on the score card if executed correctly. Check out the video below to see examples of 5 point throws in competition.